New Origins

To be part of Body of Christ means to be functional. Since doing missions is part of my calling, I find myself being the feet in the Body of Christ. Always going somewhere, ready or not. Because I learned it’s the hands that washed and clothes the feet, that makes them ready to go. It takes trust to depend and fully share mission with the entire Body. 

I learned that it’s the obedience that Christ is looking for in my life. First, to teach me through the process of serving others and second, to share His cross by healing the broken world. I know I am closest to Jesus when I serve widowed, orphaned or someone in jail. Jesus is alive, and for those who seek Him, they will find. 

Going to Nicaragua knowing that God is present there and He wants to show His love and mercy to those people by using me is marvelous. Because I’m just the vessel, He is the Living Water. Jesus already saved the world, now it’s my job to let people know that their Creator loves them and their sins are forgiven.

There is nothing more beautiful on earth than to help people discover their Creator who is within us.

If you want to help us on this mission, please use the link bellow


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